Roles & Functions

  • The Vigilance Department in CPRI is headed by the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO)
  • Roles and functions of CVO are as per CVC guidelines listed at
  • The Vigilance Department of CPRI has the following 'Vigilance Vision'.
    1. Preventive over Punitive Actions
    2. To enforce meaningful, workable and objective Systems / Procedures to:
      • Develop Trust and Transparency in all Transactions
      • Prevent financial or other losses due to any malpractices
      • Promote pride and self-esteem of the Organization and its employees
    3. Time bound action in all spheres of activities
  • CPRI does not entertain anonymous / pseudonymous complaints.
  • Proper name, address and contact phone number(s) has to be provided while making a complaint. Otherwise, no action will be taken. The identity of the complainant shall not be divulged to any person.
  • The Complaints should have Vigilance Angle. 
  • The Complaints must be brief, specific and should contain factual details / verifiable facts. If possible, documentary evidence could also be furnished along with the complaints.
  • All complaints relating to corruption, lack of integrity / fairness / transparency in dealing with CPRI (which necessarily have vigilance angle) have to be made in writing to the CVO of CPRI.
  • The complaints will be acknowledged with a duly assigned number. Based on the merit of the complaints, further course of action shall be taken as per the Government Rules and Policy.
  • No further complaint(s) / correspondence(s) shall be entertained on the same subject unless the complainant wishes to provide some fresh facts / evidences.
  • Time Limit for conducting investigation of complaints is as per the Guidelines of CVC.
  • In case it is found that the complaints were false and lodged with a view to harass the public servants, stern action may be taken against such complainants in accordance with the law of the land.
  • Contact us, we are here to serve the interests of the Institute, its patrons and the country.